Egress Double Hung Windows & Costs


Egress Window Cost : Options & Styles : Egress Double Hung Windows

Double Hung Windows

An egress double hung window is one of the options available for a code compliant basement window. Both the lower and upper sashes can be opened, allowing for enough space to serve as an emergency exit by code, while still allowing and lots of ventilation and cooling options for the room itself.

-- Price Range: $500 to $1200 (per window) --

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Double hung windows offer lots of advantages, for one they have two sashes that can both be opened, which allows for great ventilation and natural air flow throughout the basement space. They can be cleaned easily, although typically cleaning basement windows does not pose much of a challenge in general. The windows have a reputation for being well built, although this will certainly be more a factor of brand, model and components than for the simple fact that it is a double hung.


Double hungs are similar to sliders in that roughly half of the glass space can be opened at any time by lifting the lower sash as high as it will go. This means that in order for the window to be code compliant, it must meet the following minimum window size - 3' wide & 5' tall. Compare this to a casement window where the minimum window sizes for code is 20" wide & 24" tall. The double hung therefore must be quite a bit larger, which will mean you will pay more for the window itself. Installation of this egress window will run roughly the same as a slider or casement. Many homeowners will opt for the slider over the double hung, because the doulbe hung tends to be taller where the slider tends to be wider, which will often suit the low,wide shape of a basement better. However, this is not always the case.

Double Hung Window Costs

Expect egress window cost for a double hung window (not including the installation or renovation) to run $300 to $1000, depending on the size of the window, the type of frame material, the quality of the glass package and the upgrades and hardware used on the unit.

-- Price Range: $500 to $1200 (per window) --