Egress Window Cost : Top Five Egress Windows Top Five Egress WindowsCheck out our selections for the top five egress windows and set ups. These examples tend to be the most expensive egress window options. If you have egress window cost or project questions, ask our site editor and get the answers you need! Email your questions to Bill
Tiered Wood BoxThe tiered wood box set up shown here is our pick for the best egress window option available. The wood looks natural and inviting and each of two interior steps double as flower beds and . The double casements provide tons of space and ample area for lots of natural sunlight to enter and afternoon breezes to cool the basement down on hot summer days.
Straight Wood BoxOne of the nicest looking egress window set ups is the straight wood box. The treated wood holds up well in the weather, although it does not to be touched up with weather resistant stain every other year for maximum longevity. An adult can easily hop in or out of the space, although this is not the best option for an older individual or someone who finds it difficult to pull themselves up. The flower box adds great color and visual interest to the space and the entire set up meets egress code requirements. Brown StoneThe natural look of a brown stone for the window well is the perfect complement to the brown and red bark that's laid out in the yard. They also go great with the brick basement wall, which in this case was the entire home. (often times the entire home isn't brick, but the basement portion has a brick exterior).
Earth StoneThese more earth toned stones are a great compliment for lighter or earthier colored homes. The flat stone makes for excellent steps that leads right down to the egress. This set up is not ideal for entering and exiting, but this is typically not the first (or even second) priority of basement egress windows. Large Window WellThe larger window well takes more exterior space, but avoids that cramped look that sometimes characterizes egress windows. The plastic premade well has a flat shelf that makes it easier for entery and exit, as well as adding visual interest with the rocks and plants. without the direct sunlight, homeowners will probably need to stick with greener more robust varieties of plants, as opposed to the blooming flowers shown in the Tiered Box example.