Egress Window Installation Cost | Discover Install Prices


Egress Window Cost : Installation Cost

Egress Window Installation Cost

Egress window installation cost ranges from $1,900 to $5,250 for a professional contractor. DIY installation ranges roughly from $250 to $650. Neither of these egress window prices includes the cost of the window itself. A 20" by 24" casement (the smallest sized window that will meet code will cost $200 to $750). We have broken down the various steps, along with the cost for a professional contractor, as well as a do it yourself price.

Type Of Egress Window
Window Frame Material
Quality Of Window Brand
Complexity Of Egress Project
Project (Leave At 1)
Zip Code

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Step 1: Dig Out The Exterior

The egress window must be able to open completely, which typically cannot happen because there is dirt or landscaping blocking where the window will go. This area needs to be excavated and cleared, allowing for a 36" by 36" space that is completely open and fully allows for the window to open and an adult (or firfighter with equipment) to exit or enter. For DIYers, the $25 will be the cost of a shovel and the $100 is the cost of renting a piece of equipment to dig up the area.

Contractor Cost: $300 to $800

Do It Yourself Cost: $25 to $100

Step 2: Buy And Install The Window Well

Once the exterior is clear, a window well needs to be inserted and secured to make sure that the exterior area stays clear. This part of the project will vary based on how low the egress window is in relation to the ground level. Some homeowners opt for gradual steps and do not require an actual window well becuase they have a very wide open space. Other projects are very steep and use concrete that must be framed, poured and set to create the window well. Still others use a strong plastic prefabricated well insert. For DIYers, the $50 is the cost of landscaping / wood for gradual levels, while $250 is about the cost for cinderblocks and cement or what you will pay for a prefab well.

Contractor Cost: $500 to $2000

Do It Yourself Cost: $50 to $250

Step 3: Cut The Basement Hole In The Wall

Basements do not typically have a large opening in one of the walls, but this is obviously what is needed to have an egress window. The contractor will need to cut a hole through the basement wall to create the rough opening. Particular care must be paid in order to avoid hitting a utility or water line. For DIYers, the $100 is the rental price for equipment needed to cut a hole in cement, cinderblocks or through the existing wall.

Contractor Cost: $600 to $1,200

Do It Yourself Cost: $100

Step 4: Frame Out The Window

Once you have the hole in the wall, the frame needs to be inserted to create the rough opening. The frame will have to properly support the window and must be at least 20" in width and 24" in height. For DIYers, the price is for the wood and materials needed to frame out the rough opening.

Contractor Cost: $400 to $1000

Do It Yourself Cost: $50 to $100

Step 5: Secure The Window

The final step is to insert, secure, seal and caulk the window inside the rough opening. Many installers will use a sill pan on the bottom exterior for an added moisture barrier. Flashing around the outside of the window is also recommended as another way to keep out moisture. For DIYers, the $50 to $100 is for the caulk, sealant, insulation, screws etc. to properly secure the window. Get additional information using our egress window calculator.

Contractor Cost: $100 to $250

Do It Yourself Cost: $50 to $100

Egress Window
Frame Type
Window Manufacturer
Level Of Installation
Project (Leave At 1)
Zip Code

Egress Window
Frame Type
Window Manufacturer
Level Of Installation
Project (Leave At 1)
Zip Code