Egress Single Hung Windows & Costs


Egress Window Cost : Options & Styles : Egress Single Hung Windows

Single Hung Windows

Single hung windows can certainly be used for egress basement windows, although they are not going to be as popular as casement windows or horizontal sliders. Read about the pros, cons and costs of single hungs.

-- Price Range: $250 to $750 (per window) --

Type Of Egress Window
Window Frame Material
Quality Of Window Brand
Complexity Of Egress Project
Project (Leave At 1)
Zip Code

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Single hung windows have a single lower sash that can be opened and shut for ventilation and cleaning. Single hungs differ from double hungs because the double hung has both a lower and upper sash that can open. The single movable sash still gives you versatility, but there are less moving parts that can fail or break, thereby saving you money in the long term for any necessary repairs. As well, single hungs can be a well made window that looks nearly identical to a double hung at a lower overall cost. A well made single hung should offer good energy efficient features that will help keep the basement cool in the summer and warm in the winter.


Single hung windows have also had a stigma about them as being builder grade or average at best quality windows. While this is much less true today, many contractors still refer to single hungs as poorly made windows. Get price estimates on your egress project.

Single Hung Window Costs

Expect the cost of these window (not including the installation or renovation) to run $250 to $700, depending on the size of the window, the type of frame material, the quality of the glass package and the upgrades and hardware used on the unit.

-- Price Range: $250 to $750 (per window) --