Egress Window Cost


Egress Window Cost

Egress Window Cost

Explore Egress window cost, which including installation, can range from $2,500 to $6,000 plus when handled by a profesional contractor (or window company that handle these projects). These projects are fairly complex and involve digging out the exterior around where the egress window will be placed, installing the retaining wall, cutting out the basement opening, building out the window frame, all of the permitting, as well as the installing and sealing of the window itself.

Many homeowners also opt to landscape the outside area to make it more pleasant to the eye.

Bill - Site Editor - Updated in 2023

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Project Steps

The following steps are involved in building out an egress window.

Step 1. Dig Out The Exterior: This step is pretty self explanatory. Whomever is doing the work must clear enough space for the window to open (as with a casement) and for a normal sized adult to exit the window and climb to safety in the event of an emergency. Often, this step requires a backhoe or excavator in order to clear the space. This step can be relatively simple if the window sits at or slightly above ground level. If the window opening is below ground, then certainly there is quite a bit of excavating involved.

Step 2. Install The Retaining Structure: As soon as the outside area is all set to go, the company doing the work needs to secure it. This can be accomplished with a pre-made metal half round "wall" that comes with a ladder up, or it can be any other intricate designs. Some of these outside spaces are gorgeous and add to the overall look of the home.

Step 3. Cut Out A Hole In The Basement Wall

Step 4. Build Out The Frame

Step 5. Sealing And Finishing The Window

Egress Window Cost Comparisons

Entry Price Range: $2,500 to $3,000

Mid Range Cost: $3,000 to $4,000

Premium Pricing: $4,000 to $6000

Codes & Requirements

There are numerous safety and building codes that must be met when installing a basement egress window in order to make the space safe and to provide an emergency exit. Learn more on the codes and requirements here.

Best Type of Egress Window

Building codes mandate certain opening sizes that will allow an emergency exit in a basement. This lends itself to particular types of windows, including casements and horizontal sliders. Find out more on the different options and sizes.

Project Tools

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Basement Egress Window Cost

Hi Bill, I was quoted by an OKNA licensed installer a price of $4,000 to install four small basement windows. I don't know if they're 400 or 500 series (I think 400) or the cost of windows versus labor - it is just one number on the quote ($4,000). I'll go back to them for details but it seems really expensive for small slider windows (33" x 18").

What do you think? Is $1,000 per expensive? Sure seems so to me.


Scott - Homeowner - from 2023

[Site Editor's Answer]

Scott, it's difficult to say because installing in basement windows can be tricky: and yes small openings might run $400 or $500 for the window itself ... that would be a steep install price, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's out of line. More bids will answer the question - let me know if you'd like my list of brands and options.

Dane - Site Editor - from 2023

Replacement Window Cost